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What is Aire ouverte?

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Who is Aire ouverte for?

Are you between the ages of 12 and 25?

Are you questioning your sexual identity?

Are you arguing with your parents?

Do you feel anxious about your future?

Are you being bullied?

Are you worried about your drinking or drug use?

Do you have financial problems?


Aire ouverte is here to help you!

It’s free, flexible, and you don’t need an appointment. Aire ouverte is a local place you can go when you’re in need. You’re always welcome—days, evenings and weekends—and our service is completely confidential. Rather not leave home? Aire ouverte also offers virtual meetings.

A team of professionals, including a nurse or a social worker, will be waiting to greet you in a laidback environment. Whether you need advice, support or a sympathetic ear, they’ll be there for you. If you need more specific services, our workers can help you get the follow-up you need.


Get involved

Aire ouverte encourages you to get involved to help tailor the services and locations to your needs and promote the project to your network.

Aire ouverteis offered across Québec.
