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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest


On continueThe CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest is monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation very closely. We have created this page as a central resource to answer all your questions.

Information about COVID-19

Please note that a new COVID-19 vaccine will be available this fall. Therefore, starting on September 14, 2024, COVID-19 vaccination at local service points will be temporarily suspended. It will resume as soon as the new vaccine, better adapted to the current COVID-19 variants, becomes available. It is recommended to wait for the arrival of this vaccine before receiving a booster dose.

For the latest developments, please visit the website of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux; the information on that page is updated regularly.

Learn about the measures in force.

For the number of cases in the Montérégie region, you can check the Direction de la santé publique de la Montérégie Facebook page.

The MSSS has also produced a Self-Care Guide - COVID-19 designed to help citizens make the best possible decisions for their own health and the health of their loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Worried about your health?

Fill the COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool or call the coronavirus information line at 1-877-644-4545.


Visits and outings  

Proof of COVID-19 vaccination

As of Saturday, March 12, all caregivers, visitors and companions in our facilities will no longer be required to present their vaccination passport at the entrance to our facilities.

In accordance with the laws and decrees in effect, the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest is following all directives concerning the mandatory testing and vaccination of healthcare professionals.

Measures in effect

Here are the measures related to living environments specifically concern long-term care centres (CHSLD), private seniors’ residences (PSR), intermediate resources (IR), certain family-type resources (FTR), and certain facilities housing diverse clienteles. It is crucial to remind everyone—staff, users, residents, and any other person entering the living environment—of the importance of following infection prevention and control (IPC) measures.

As such:

  • Screening is mandatory before any new admission to a living environment or rehabilitation centre, regardless of where the user is coming from;
  • A distance of 2 m between residents or users must be respected.

Specific measures in PSRs

  • A maximum of 10 visitors or caregivers with a vaccination passport per day will be able to visit their loved ones. 
  • Deconditioning prevention activities are allowed, with masks and 2 m between residents.
  • Informal caregivers are prohibited from entering the common areas (living room and dining room), except for those who are helping to feed a resident.
  • Meals in the dining room:
    • A maximum of ten residents per table is permitted, with 1 m between each table. Ideally, the same residents should always sit together.
    • Masks must be worn at all times, except when eating or drinking.
  • As of March 14th, 2022, the vaccination passport will no longer be required to visit loved ones.

Specific measures in the CHSLDs, certain IR-FTRs and rehabilitation centres, or living environments for seniors or users with a physical or intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, or mental disorder

  • A maximum of 10 visitors or caregivers with a vaccination passport will be able to visit their loved ones. 
  • Visitors are prohibited from entering the common areas (living room and dining room), except for informal caregivers who are helping to feed a resident.
  • As of March 14th, 2022, the vaccination passport will no longer be required to visit loved ones.

Specific measures in hospitals

  • Visits are now permitted in the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest hospitals. Visit the pages Your stay at Hôpital Anna LabergeYour stay at Hôpital Barrie Memorial and  Your stay at Hôpital du Suroît for more details.
  • No individual, caregiver or visitor, who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 10 days is admitted to hospitals, with certain exceptions: they may be authorized to accompany a child, a woman in labour, a user in a critical situation or at the end of life, etc.
  • Visitors must respect a social distance of 2 meters, wear a procedure mask and wash their hands upon entering the premises.
  • The vaccine passport will continue to be required until March 12 to enter the hospital.


Business partners and suppliers

The CISSS de la Montérégie Ouest awards more than $124 million in contracts per year for various services, construction work, and the procurement of equipment and supplies. As our needs grow, so does our service offer, representing an interesting business opportunity for suppliers.

For more information on bids and contracts, click here.


If you are still experiencing symptoms or aftereffects of COVID-19 more than four weeks after your initial infection, there are resources available to you. It is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor first.

For more information about long COVID, click here.

Are you feeling stressed, anxious or depressed? 

You’re not alone. The current pandemic can affect people differently, both physically and mentally. Various resources are available to help you: 

Consult our COVID-19 toolbox for the signs of distress and for advice about how to take care of yourself and/or your loved ones and to help you feel better.

Getting tested

For more information consult this page.

Vaccination against COVID-19

The COVID-19 vaccination campaign is currently underway in Montérégie for targeted priority groups. 

Please note that an appointment is mandatory.

It is not possible to get an appointment by calling your CLSC.

To make an appointment, please visit

If you are unable to do this online or if you are having difficulty, please ask a relative or call 1 877-644-4545.   

Specimen centres 

Due to the physical distancing measures that remain in effect, we are unable to book our regular number of appointments; therefore, we ask that you please refer your users to the specimen centres only if absolutely necessary. Please note that users whose medical condition requires blood tests must make an appointment at

Note that online appointments are not available for the CLSCs in Huntingdon, St‑Chrysostome, Saint-Polycarpe, or Rigaud; users must call these CLSCs directly to make an appointment.

As of June 1, a phone line will be made available to users who need assistance with the online appointment platform.

Clic Santé support: 1-833-699-2414, ext. 3473

Strong network of community services

What community services are available during the pandemic?

The community organization and public health team has put together a directory of community services available across the territory.

Check it out now (English).

You’ll have access to the full range of programs and services available.

How can I help?

Want to help out during the pandemic? Contact your local Centre d’action bénévole (Volunteer Bureau).

For more information, see the full article (French only).

A guide to preventing deconditioning in isolated seniors amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Eating a healthy diet and staying active are essential for maintaining good health. The exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is changing many aspects of our lives and may have negative effects on nutrition as well as mental and physical health. This is especially true for seniors who are isolated in their communities. These individuals are at high risk for loss of autonomy and deconditioning both physically and mentally.

This guide contains tips and advice to help people 70 years of age and older, despite COVID-19, to:

  • Stay healthy;
  • Maintain independence;
  • Take care of oneself;
  • Limit the risk of falling;
  • Maintain physical strength. 

Consult the guide 

Who are informal caregivers?

Anyone who, on a continuous or occasional basis, provides support to a loved one who has a temporary or permanent disability and with whom they share an emotional bond, whether or not they are family.

We have put together relevant information about a variety of topics in the COVID-19 toolbox.

Security guards

For safety reasons, we have increased the presence of security guards at the entrances to our facilities.

The role of the security guards is to:

  • Greet users and ask them a few questions related to the measures.
  • Make sure that everyone entering our facilities washes their hands and wear a mask.
  • Limit the number of visitors (based on temporary restrictions).