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Specialized services for Intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders

Specialized services for intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

The specialized services include a full range of adaptation or rehabilitation and social integration activities, as well as assistance and support services for the family and friends of the person affected.

The CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest, which has the regional mandate for ID-ASD services, offers specialized programs for intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, school and community integration, workplace integration, behavioural disorders and severe behavioural disorders, as well as the graduated supportive housing program.

Services may be offered to the individual and his or her family in living environments, rehabilitation centers, continuous assistance resources (RAC), intensive behavioural rehabilitation units (URCI) or group homes.

If you or your child are unable to live at home because of your intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder, intermediate resources (IR) or family-type resources (RTF) are available to you.

In all cases, contact the psychosocial intake department at your local CLSC, which will analyze your needs and refer you to the appropriate services.


Clinique régionale d'évaluation des troubles complexes du développement (CRETC)

The Clinique régionale d’évaluation des troubles complexes du développement (CRETCD) serves children aged 0 to 12 in the Montérégie region in whom a complex neurodevelopmental disorder is suspected. With a referral from a healthcare professional.

Visit the CRETC web page.