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Return of masking for the respiratory virus season

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest

As the holiday season approaches, and with the start of respiratory virus season a few weeks ago, the Service de prévention et contrôle des infections (PCI) and the Service de prévention, promotion et mieux-être au travail (PPMET) have announced the return of masking effective Monday, December 2, and until further notice.

Masking is required for users who have symptoms of an acute respiratory infection, visitors, informal caregivers, and volunteers in the following areas: 

  • Emergency rooms (Hôpital Anna-Laberge, Hôpital du Suroît, and Barrie Memorial Hospital)
  • Outpatient clinics (endoscopy, radiology, etc.)
  • Day surgery and recovery rooms
  • Hemodialysis centres
  • COVID-19 screening clinics 
  • Treatment areas, common areas and day centres at public long-term care centres (CHSLDs), senior and alternative housing (SAH), regional homes for young adults with severe disabilities (MRJAPs), and residential resources with continuous assistance (RACs)
  • Short-term care units, including intensive functional rehabilitation units (IFRUs), functional rehabilitation transition units (FRTUs), and assessment-intervention-referral programs (AIRPs), with the exception of family bubble rooms in the mother-child centre

Volunteers are also required to wear masks in workshops, day activity centres (CAJs), centers for individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and physical disabilities (DITSA-DPs), rehabilitation centres (CRD), and birthing centres.

Masks will be provided at each of these locations.

Although recommended, masking is currently not mandatory for users in: 

  • Care units at private seniors’ residences
  • Private CHSLDs
  • Intermediate resources with 10 or more users

Basic practices to help prevent the spread of infections include:

  • Wearing a mask if you have symptoms such as coughing, nasal congestion, or a sore throat
  • Washing your hands often with soap and water or using hand sanitizer
  • Practising proper respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette by covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing
  • Staying at home if you have a fever

If you have health concerns, feel free to call Info-Santé at 811 for advice.