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Important notice: New access measures at our facilities (entrances/exits)

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest

Please note that we have temporarily centralized entrances and exits at some of our facilities, which will allow for better application of the various measures implemented to protect the health and safety of users and staff, doctors, and volunteers (e.g., hand hygiene, restrictions on visits, masks, etc.). Signs have been adjusted accordingly, and at least one entrance/exit will be open at all times. Note that this measure does not affect the facility’s emergency evacuation procedure.

Security guards

For safety reasons, we have increased the presence of security guards at the entrances to our facilities.

The role of the security guards is to:

  • greet users and ask them a few questions related to the new measures:
    • Have you travelled anywhere?
    • Do you have a fever, cough, or problems breathing?
  • make sure that everyone entering our facilities washes their hands;
  • make sure that people with respiratory symptoms wear a mask;
  • limit the number of visitors (based on temporary restrictions).