Cette page s'adresse aux propriétaires et aux employés des RI-RTF et des RPA.
Last page update : August 25 4:15 pm
New management procedure for users in a private seniors’ residence (PSR)
A new management procedure for private seniors’ residences (PSRs) has been in place since June 22. Its purpose is to intervene early with PSRs in the territory, but also with users who are followed or not by home care services (i.e., even those who are not known to our services), whether or not their symptoms are related to COVID-19.
Main objectives of the procedure:
- Ensure user safety by allowing the elderly person to receive care and services adapted to their condition, directly at their place of residence, at the right time and administered by the right person;
- Support the PSRs in their decision-making process;
- As much as possible, avoid unnecessary transfers and visits to the emergency department.
In concrete terms, in the event that a resident experiences a deterioration in their physical and mental condition and requires an assessment, your teams can now speak to a nurse 24/7, including holidays, so as to intervene as quickly as possible and to determine how best to care for the resident.
See the memo for full details, contact information, and the detailed trajectory. (documents available in French only)
Presence of significant caregivers in the residences
Since May 11, 2020, significant caregivers have been authorized to provide support to residents in IR-FTRs and PSRs. However, this new measure is subject to specific conditions being met, which will ensure an acceptable balance between the associated risks and benefits. The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux has confirmed that facilities wishing to be exempted from this new measure must obtain its authorization.
Visit this page to access a wealth of useful information, tools and forms for residence owners.
Personal protective equipment
- Tableau de l’utilisation des équipements de protection individuelle : Dans la gestion des cas suspectés ou confirmés de COVID-19 (French only)
- Les masques de procédure : Qui? Quand? Quoi? Pourquoi? Comment?: Summary of how to use procedure masks (French only)
- Formulaire de demande d'équipement de protection individuelle: Form to download and fill out (French only)
Évaluation du niveau de risque d'exposition des travailleurs de la santé lors de soins à un cas confirmé COVID-19 (added May 15, French only)
These documents will help you analyze situations that represent a risk to your workers and guide your response in the event a case of COVID-19 is reported in your workplace. However, if you decide to apply measures designed to prevent a service interruption, you then become responsible for managing the associated risks. We uphold the position of the public health authorities that this option should be used as a last resort only.
COVID-19: Mesures pour la gestion des cas et des contacts dans la communauté (added May 15, French only)
This information sheet outlines the recommended measures in response to a person under investigation, a confirmed case of COVID-19, a suspected case, or a community contact.
Recommendations on the lockdown lifting for healthcare workers ·
- Consult the recommendations of the Institut national de santé publique (INSPQ) (French only)
- ADDITION - Clarifications regarding isolation in various situations: Some employees are required to stop working in relation to a COVID-19 screening test or epidemiological investigation. The reasons can include:
- You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (symptomatic or asymptomatic)
- You have travelled or been in contact with someone who has travelled.
- You have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (at work).
- You live with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
- ADDITION - Clarifications regarding isolation in various situations: Some employees are required to stop working in relation to a COVID-19 screening test or epidemiological investigation. The reasons can include:
Marche à suivre pour l’organisation en amont d’une éclosion et lors d’une éclosion de masse COVID-19
Consultez cet aide-mémoire pour bien vous préparer à toutes les éventualités.
Nurses available on call
The following resources are available should you need support or just want to talk. You should call these numbers with your requests for help or backup.
- Weekdays (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.): Call the nurse for your sector:
- Châteauguay and Jardin-du-Québec sector: Isabelle Thomas: 514-358-0300
- Kateri and Haut-Saint-Laurent sector: Brigitte Bujold: 514-809-0294
- Jardins-Roussillon (IR-FTR) sector: Christine Allie: 514-616-3196
- Suroît (IR-FTR) sector: Patricia Rhéaume: 514-544-0612
- Suroît (PSR) sector: Casey Coleman Marcil: 579-491-0299
- Vaudreuil-Soulanges (PSR) sector: Nathalie Benoit: 579-490-0547
- Vaudreuil-Soulanges (IR) sector: Étienne Chagnon: 579-490-5590
- Evenings and nights, weekdays (Monday to Friday, 4 p.m. to 8 a.m.): 450-370-5311
- Evenings and nights, weekends (from Friday 4 p.m. to Monday 8 a.m.): 450-699-9502 or 450-370-5311
Du soutien psychosocial disponible
Nous offrons actuellement du soutien psychosocial par le biais de nos professionnels du soutien à domicile pour les usagers, les familles et les employés qui ressentent de la détresse psychologique en lien avec la situation actuelle. La quarantaine, l’isolement, les défis familiaux, etc.; nul n’est complètement imperméable à la situation. Sachez que nous sommes à mettre en place une ligne téléphonique dédiée spécifiquement au soutien psychosocial pour les propriétaires de RI-RTF et de RPA. Une équipe dédiée au soutien psychologique pourra également faire des interventions terrain dans certains milieux le requérant. Nous vous aviserons des modalités de ce nouveau service sous peu. D’ici là, si vous avez besoin de soutien psychosocial rapidement, n’hésitez pas à en faire part à l’infirmière RI-RTF-RPA attitrée à votre ressource et nous vous offrirons le soutien dont vous avez besoin.
Information et documents en du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
- Formations pour les partenaires du réseau - plateforme ENA (only available in French)
- Prévention et le contrôle des infections nosocomiales (PCI) (only available in French)
- Directives au réseau de la santé et des services sociaux
Des outils pour les résidents et leur famille
- Portail Santé Montérégie
- Tips and advice for seniors: eating healthy, keeping to a routine, and staying active during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Visite des proches aidants significatifs dans les RI-RTF et RPA
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Boîte à outils COVID-19
- Services psychosociaux
- Outils généraux pour les proches aidants significatifs
- Soutien aux parents
- Gouvernement du Québec
- Portail Santé Montérégie, documentation utile aux ressources d’hébergement RI et RTF
- Portail Santé Montérégie, page Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Centre d'expertise et de référence en santé publique (INSPQ)
- Lien vers le fil de presse pour les communiqués de presse du gouvernement du Québec
- Situation au Québec
- Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux