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Centre de services ambulatoires de Greenfield Park

This installation is part of CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre

5000, boulevard Taschereau, bureau 502
Greenfield Park QC J4V3M3

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General information

*Information about this installation is not available in English.

(Centre externe de néphrologie Greenfield Park)


Telephone number(s)
Telephone number

Opening hours

Opening hours
Day Timings
Lundi au vendredi 6 h 45 à minuit

Services offered


The nephrology centre for the Champlain–Charles-Le Moyne territory provides services at the Centre externe de néphrologie Greenfield Park (20 stations).

Peritoneal dialysis, nocturnal home hemodialysis, and kidney care and pre-kidney transplant follow-up clinics are also available.


How to get this serviceWith a prescription from a doctor