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Health tips and tricks

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest

Not urgent?  Don't be a benchwarmer!

This page contains several tips to help you take care of your health.



Prevent heat stroke

Protecting yourself from bites

Protection from the Sun and UV Rays

Preventingswimmer’s ear

French only

Water,the drink of choice to stay hydrated

Recognizing the signs of dehydration



Self-care sheet
Sunburn Tick bite

Seasonal rhinitis (hay fever)

Skin wartsFrench only

Fever in infant


Food-poisoningFrench only

Your pharmacist can do moreFrench only


ConcussionFrench only

Ingrown toenaiI

Insect bite

Stomach flu

Laryngitis in children

Maux de dosFrench only Flu


Health concern?